Brazilian Vegan Orange Flan with Caramel Sauce (In Portuguese)      
(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)
Vegan Orange Flan
1½ liters fresh orange juice
1 cup demerara sugar
Caramel Sauce
2 cups demerara sugar
1 cup water

  1. Make 1½ liter juice from oranges.
  2. Pour the juice into a pan, and cook it. Set aside a portion of juice to be mixed with the corn starch.
  3. Add in a cup of demerara sugar and keep stirring it until the juice boils.
  4. When the juice already boils, lower the heat, add in the corn starch juice mixture, and continue stirring.
  5. Let the mixture cook for another 5-7 minutes while keep stirring.
  6. Turn the heat off, let it cool down a little bit before putting it into the mould. It will be refrigerated for at least 5 hours.
  7. Meanwhile, prepare the caramel sauce by mixing 2 cups of sugar with 1 cups of water.
  8. Put the sugar water mixture on the stove with low heat without stirring it.
  9. Let the sugar melt by moving the pan slowly.
  10. Let it cook until the sugar becomes dark and the water evaporated.
  11. Let it cool down.
  12. After 5 hours, take out the flan and serve it with the caramel sauce.

trackback : http://suprememastertv.tv/bbs/tb.php/vege_ru/677

File NO: 992
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