Vegan Orange Chocolate Mousse Torte with Raw Food Pastry Chef AJ      
(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)
Caramel Fakiatto (Serves 2)
8 ounces unsweetened
almond milk
2 tablespoons cacao powder
1 frozen banana
Dates or date paste to taste
8–12 ice cubes
½ teaspoon Watkins caramel extract

Orange Chocolate Mousse
16 ounces pitted dates
soaked in 16 ounces orange juice
12 ounces walnuts
½ cup raw cacao powder
½ cup unsweetened
1 tablespoon
alcohol-free vanilla extract
1 teaspoon orange extract (optional)

Basic Healthy Pie Crust
2 cups raw nuts
2 cups pitted dates
¼ cup raw cacao powder
1 tablespoon alcohol-free vanilla extract

Raspberry Coulis
1 bag frozen raspberries, defrosted (or cherries or strawberries)
Dates or date paste (optional)
1 teaspoon - 1 tablespoon alcohol-free vanilla extract (optional)
½ teaspoon almond extract (option)
Lemon juice (optional)

Contact Chef AJ to wow your tastebuds with fantastic vegan ideas and recipes:
www.AJsRockinFoods.com & chefaj@att.net

  1. Put the raw nuts in the food processor and turn it into flour.
  2. Add in some dates as many as preference and process it until they hold and stick together with the nuts. To know whether the consistency is right, form the dough into a ball, then if it can easily break into half, and it stays, it doesn’t crumble, then that is the right consistency.
  3. Add in the raw cacao, and a tablespoon of vanilla extract.
  4. Process it again.
  5. Take a cheesecake pan, then pour the mixture into the pan.
  6. Press it in the pan, and this is going to be the crust.
  7. To make the filling, put into the processor about3 cups of raw organic walnuts. Turn this into an actual nut butter.
  8. When the walnut already become a nice creamy consistency, add ½ cup of raw cacao powder and ½ cup of organic shredded coconut.
  9. Process this again.
  10. When it is done, set it aside.
  11. To prepare the date paste, soak a pound of dates in 2 cups of fresh organic orange juice overnight.
  12. Pour the soaked dates in the food processor and turn it into a paste.
  13. Add the date paste into the nut butt and process it again so it all gets fully incorporated.
  14. Pour them on top of the crust and smoothe the top over with a spatula.
  15. To decorate, put a little bit of the coconut on top, sprinkle it on.
  16. Sprinkle some raw cacao nibs.
  17. Put it in the freezer overnight before serving.

trackback : http://suprememastertv.tv/bbs/tb.php/vege_ru/768

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