Nutritious Togoloese Mixed Cereal Porridge (In Kabye)      
(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)
Corn kernels
Vuandzu grains
Soy beans
Dried shoveler
Black beans
Filtered water
Brown sugar (optional)

  1. Roast the corn kernels on the stove.
  2. Use a clay pot. Put sea sand into the pot. If there is no sea sand, use firewood ashes. If there is no firewood ashes, then use the clay itself. Use powdered clay. This will avoid the corn kernel to be burnt.
  3. Pour the corn into the pot, start stirring them.
  4. If the corn kernel are well roasted, use a sieve to separate the corn kernel from the sand before milling. Select and take out the burnt kernel so that the flour won’t be bitter.
  5. Put a pot on the fire with some filtered water in it.
  6. When the water boils, take a clean bowl, then fetch filtered water that can be use for cooking.
  7. Add the corn flour into the bowl and mix them together so that the flour can be completely mixed.
  8. The mixture should be homogenous.
  9. The mixture should not be thick, but like a paste. A blender also can be used to mix the flour and the water.
  10. Pour the mixture into the boiling pot and keep stirring for consistency.
  11. Add some water if it’s thick. Pour while stirring. Keep stirring so that the bottom of the pot won’t be burn.
  12. After stirring it evenly, no lumps, close the pot with its lid, but partially, not completely close.
  13. Let the porridge boil.
  14. Take some porridge into a small bowl, add some wheatgerm, peanut, brown sugar (optional) and drink it.

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File NO: 1534
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