Fresh Spring Herb Salad from the Mountains of Korea (In Korean)      
Mountain Spring Herb Salad

Fresh herbs,
wild grass,
edible flowers
3 tablespoons wild herb syrup (or sweetener)
2 teaspoons vinegar
2 teaspoons red pepper powder
1½ teaspoons toasted sesame
1 teaspoon salt
Mugwort Mix
200 grams mugwort
150 grams whole wheat (or rice flour)

Mountain Spring Herb Salad
  1. Prepare and wash all the ingredients.
  2. First, prepare the sauce by mixing 3 tablespoons wild herb syrup (or any sweetener) with 2 teaspoons of vinegar, 2 teaspoons of red pepper powder, 1½ teaspoons of toasted sesame, and 1 teaspoon of salt.
  3. Mix everything until the salt completely dissolves.
  4. For the salad, mix all the fresh herbs, wild grass, vegetables, amd edible flowers.
  5. Just before serving, sprinkle the sauce onto the salad.
  6. Ready to be served.

Mugwort Mix
  1. Sprinkle the whole wheat flour onto the mugwort.
  2. Sprinkle the salt onto them, and then mix all evenly.
  3. Turn on the heat, and heat up the steamer.
  4. Steam the flour mixture.
  5. Let the water in the steamer boils, turn down the heat and then let the mixture cook for about 10-15 minutes on low heat.
  6. After 10 minutes, put the mixture into a dish.
  7. Ready to be served.

trackback : http://suprememastertv.tv/bbs/tb.php/vege_ru/646

File NO: 950
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