Spicy Mexican Specialty:Enchiladas Verdes (Green Enchiladas)(In Spanish)      
Serrano chilies or green chilies
Salt to taste
Coriander to taste
Parsley to taste
Green tomatoes or tomatillo
Oil to fry
Tofu to garnish
Avocado to complement

  1. To prepare the sauce, peel the garlic and put it to boil in water.
  2. Add in the onion, the coriander, the parsley, the chili and the tomato. Make sure the water is adequate to cover the tomato.
  3. Cook until the tomatoes change the color into more yellow.
  4. Put them into a blender and blend it until all of them are blended.
  5. Pour it in a container.
  6. Put the sauce on the stove until it boils a bit and the put in the tortillas which already fried.
  7. Meanwhile, cut the tofu into small blocks.
  8. Pour the sauce on a plate and put the tofu on top of it.
  9. Add some avocado on top.
  10. Ready to be served.

trackback : http://suprememastertv.tv/bbs/tb.php/vege_ru/642

File NO: 943
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