Thousand Layer Fruity Biscuit Cake (In Spanish)      
For 50 servings

  • 7 packs of 180 grams (1260 grams) of biscuits
  • ½ kilogram canned pineapples, chopped
  • ½ kilogram canned peaches
  • ½ kilogram plum jam
  • 1 kilogram vegan caramel spread (mix 2 liters soy milk, 2 cups sugar, vanilla extract together and cooked until it becomes camarel)
  • 1 kilogram soy cream

    1. Cover the bottom of a square baking pan with plum jam.
    2. Place one layer of biscuit over the plum jam. Press gently.
    3. Spread chopped pineapple on it.
    4. Place another biscuit layer. Press gently, and spread vegan vanilla caramel on it.
    5. Place another biscuit layer. Press gently, and spread a layer of peach on it.
    6. Place another biscuit layer. Press gently, and spread vegan vanilla caramel on it.
    7. Place another biscuit layer. Press gently, and spread one layer of plum jam on it.
    8. Place another biscuit layer. Press gently, and spread vegan vanilla caramet on it.
    9. The top layer is biscuit.
    10. Keep the cake inside the baking pan for a few hours or overnight to allow the biscuits to absorb all the ingredients.
    11. Top the cake with the soy cream. Put soy cream in a plastic bag, cut off a corner and squeeze to decorate. Put Santa adornment in the cake’s center to complete the “Thousand Layer Fruity Biscuit Cake”
    trackback : http://suprememastertv.tv/bbs/tb.php/vege_ru/562

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