Veggie Pancit Palabok from the Philippines (In Tagalog)      
¼ kilograms Palabok noodles, boiled and strained


    • 2 tablespoons cornstarch mixed with 3 cups water
    • 2 tablespoons oil colored with annatto
    • Fried tofu
    • Fresh tofu, crumbled
    • Baguio pechay (napa cabbage)
    • Roasted peas (whole and ground)
    • Boiled potatoes, chopped
    • Green onions, chopped
    • Red onions, thinly sliced
    • Fried chopped garlic
    • Veggie shrimps, chopped
    • Veggie ham
    • Salt
    • Kalamansi (calamondin)

      1. Sauté the onions in the oil colored with annatto. Don’t overcook it.
      2. Add the fresh tofu, mix it well.
      3. Add chopped potatoes, mix it well.
      4. Add salt to taste. Let’s it simmer for a little bit.
      5. Slowly add the cornstarch solution (cornstarch mix with the water first). Add the Baguio pechay (Napa cabbage). Stir it well. Cook until the color of cornstarch solution looks clear.
      6. Place lettuce leaf and carrots around the plate and put the palabok noodles in the middle. Pour the sauce over the noodles. Garnish it with the fried tofu, ground green peas, whole green peas, fried garlic, green onions and veggie shrimps.
    trackback : http://suprememastertv.tv/bbs/tb.php/vege_ru/561

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