Cameroonian Rich and Savory Egusi Stew (In Bassa)      
• 1 small cup Vegetarian protein (chong)
• 150 grams tomatoes, sliced into small pieces
• 25 grams leeks, minced
• 1 gram ginger, grind it softly
• 1 gram celery leaves, sliced thinly
• 30 grams green bell pepper, sliced
• 1 onion, sliced
• 2 garlic gloves, sliced
• Soup stock cubes
• Salt
• Egusi seeds, blended
• Some veggie oil

1. Add tomatoes, green bell peppers, celery leaves, leeks, garlics, onions, and gingers, and some water into a blender, and blend them well.
2. Heat up some oil in a pot.
3. Mix some water, salt and blended Egusi seeds together.
4. Add all blended ingredients in step 1 together into the pot, and stir fry till they are done.
5. After totmatoes are done, add one at a time the spoons of Egusi mixture in step 3 in, making it form into the balls.
6. Add Vegetarian protein into the pot. Stir well.
7. Add soup stock cubes in, stir well again. Continue to cook.
8. Add some more water. Cover the pot with a lid. Season to taste.

Put Egusi Stew in the center of a plate.
Place some cooked yams or cassava around it.
Add parsleys on top of yams
Serve with rice, cassava, yam or bread.

trackback : http://suprememastertv.tv/bbs/tb.php/vege_ru/538

File NO: 792,
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