Летний пикник с поваром Дорит: освежающая инжирная фиеста      
(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)
6 – 8 fresh raspberries
4 fresh ripe figs
Spearmint leaves, for garnishing (optional)

As a Digestive
4 fresh ripe figs
3 – 4 fresh raspberries
2 stalks fresh peppermint leaves

Chlorophyll laden version
4 fresh ripe figs
2 – 4 fresh raspberries
2 stalks fresh basil
1 teaspoon E3 Live

  1. Taking the top of figs off
  2. Use a small spoon to scoop out the insides of the fig
  3. Put it in the mortar and pestle
  4. Taking these raspberries drop them in the mortar and pestle
  5. Mix them together with the inside of the figs
  6. Once you have this to the consistency that you wish to, and it can be thicker, it can be smoother bring it back into the fig
  7. Re-stuff it again and just press it down into the fig
  8. Put the top back on to it or put the basil on the top to flower it
  9. Another way to do this is to put the basil in the mixture itself then you’re going to also do the same thing like before
  10. Another way to do this is to put the peppermint in the mixture itself then you’re going to also do the same thing like before and put the mint on top
  11. Another way to do this is to put the cutted coconut meat directly in the fig and put a little bit of The mixture on top
  12. Keep it refrigerated
  13. Ready to serve

trackback : http://suprememastertv.tv/bbs/tb.php/vege_ru/947

File NO: 1432
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