Филиппинский веганский Тортанг Толонг (веганский омлет из баклажанов) (тагалог)      
(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)
3 eggplant, roasted or boiled, then peeled
1 cup flour
½ cup mashed tofu
½ cup grated squash
½ teaspoon salt
Pinch of black pepper and mushroom powder to taste

  1. Slice the each eggplant into two parts. Use only one part of each eggplant, and save the remaining for other dishes.
  2. Boil some water to boil the squash and the eggplants.
  3. Boil them for about 10 minutes.
  4. Take out the squash and the eggplants.
  5. Mix the squash with mashed tofu, flour, turmeric powder, salt, black pepper powder and mushroom powder.
  6. Add in some water. Mix a bit and then put them all into a blender. This will be look lie a vegan egg mixture.
  7. Peel the boiled eggplant.
  8. Open the eggplant in the middle by using a knife and then flatten it by using a spoon.
  9. When it’s flat, sprinkle a little salt and pepper on the eggplant.
  10. And then coat it with the vegan egg mixture on both sides.
  11. Heat some oil in a frying pan and fry the vegan eggplant omelet.
  12. Fry it using low heat.
  13. Fry on both side.
  14. For garnish, slice a tomato and use green lettuce.
  15. Ready to be served.

trackback : http://suprememastertv.tv/bbs/tb.php/vege_ru/889

File NO: 1324
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