Кай и Куа, древние гуаранские хумитас (испанский и гуарани)      
(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)
Corn with husk
Soy milk
Salt to taste

  1. Peel the corn, use only the good part of the corn. Get the kernels of the cob.
  2. Keep the corn husk to wrap the dish later.
  3. Grind the kernel of the corn and then add in a little bit of soy milk, a pinch of salt to taste.
  4. Mix it with 5 spoonfuls of oil.
  5. The dough is ready.
  6. Fill in the dough into the corn husk, do not over fill the husk, otherwise it can spill out.
  7. Tie it up really tight.
  8. Repeat until all the dough is finished.
  9. Boil some water, and then put in the corn husk slowly into the boiling water.
  10. The boiling time should be 30 minutes.
  11. After 30 minutes, take the Ka’i Ku’a out of the water.
  12. Open the husk completely and the Ka’i Ku’a is ready to be served.

trackback : http://suprememastertv.tv/bbs/tb.php/vege_ru/862

File NO: 1281
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