Сладкий рис с миндалем и изюмом и хрустящая пакода из Пуне, Индия (хинди)      
Almond Raisin Sweet Rice
Boiled rice
Jaggery dissolved in 13 teaspoons water
Fennel seeds
Almonds, chopped
1 teaspoon vegetable oil
Ground cardamom (optional)
Fresh rose petals to garnish (optional)

Crispy Pakoda
Gram flour
Onion, finely chopped
Potatoes, finely chopped
Pinch of baking soda
Carom seeds
Fresh or dried mint
Coriander leaves, finely chopped
Red chili powder (or black pepper powder)
Green chili, finely chopped
Served with ketchup and/or bread

Direction (Almond Raisin Sweet Rice):
1. Preheat oil in cooking pot
2. Put boiled rice in, lower heat
3. Pour the jaggery water over the rice, spread some fennel seeds and mix
4. Add raisins and almonds, keep some for garnishing later
5. Add some cardamom if you like
6. Serve the rice in a plate, spread some raisins, almonds and some fresh rose petals

Direction (to make batter for Crispy Pakoda):
1. Put gram flour into a bowl
2. Add onion, potatoes, coriander, mint, carom seeds, some baking soda
3. Add red chili powder, green chili, salt, water
4. Mix them all, add water if necessary but keep a thick consistency

Direction (to cook Crispy Pakoda):
1. Preheat oil in a pan
2. Put some batter in, a spoonful each
3. Stir and turn until golden brown
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