Готовим с «Лавинг хат»: Клаб-сэндвич из тофу (английский)      
(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)
3 slices lightly toasted multi-grain bread
1 tomato, sliced Lettuce
Vegan protein slices
like Tofurky (or tempeh)

4 slices firm tofu (about ½ inch thick)
1 tablespoon Maggi
¼ teaspoon mushroom seasoning
¾ teaspoon dried oregano
3 tablespoons oil

1 cup Vegenaise
1 cup ketchup
½ cup stone ground mustard
½ purple onion, finely diced
Served with organic salad and dressing, with an orange twist

Direction (to make tofu marinade):
1. Mix Maggi with mushroom seasoning on a plate
2. Coat tofu with the mixture, let sit for 10 minutes (A)

Direction (to fry the tofu):
1. Put oil in frying pan, add tofu (A) in then heat the pan
2. Fry until golden brown evenly, then drain the oil
3. Spread some oregano over tofu and flip them over evenly (B)

Direction (to make the mayonaise):
1. Put the onion into a bowl
2. Add ketchup, vegenaise, mustard then mix them evenly (C)

Direction (to make the club sandwich):
1. Pick a layer of bread, spread mayonaise (C)
2. Pick second layer of bread, spread veganaise
3. Put lettuce leaf on the bread, add tomato, add tofu (B)
4. Make 3 rolls of protein slices and put onto tofu
5. Do the same onto second layer of bread
6. Take whole second layer of bread and put on top first one
7. Spread mayonaise (C) on third layer of bread, then put on top of whole sandwich
8. Stick 4 cocktail skewers to the sandwich
9. Cut sandwich into 4 triangles
10. Put them onto serving plate with organic salad and dressing with an orange twist

trackback : http://suprememastertv.tv/bbs/tb.php/vege_ru/783

File NO: 1145
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