Самодельная вермишель из Шанкси, Китай (китайский)      
500 grams wheat flour
300 milliliters water

1. Save some flour at the side.
2. First, use your hands to spread the flour until it is loose. Let it contain some air. This helps the flour absorb water.
3. Shake loose the flour.
4. Keep stirring clockwise and add water slowly.
5. Squeeze the dough to feel its consistency.
6. Knead the dough until it feels very soft like a soft marshmallow.
7. Clean your hand and the container otherwise the dough can stick to it.
8. Add a little water.
9. Throw it a few times. This will help the dough to rise.
10. Keeping kneading until the dough is spotless, the container is empty, and your hands are clean.
11. Splash a little water on the top of the dough.
12. Leave the dough to rise for 20 minutes.
13. Meanwhile you can prepare some vegetables to go with the noodles.
14. After 20 minutes, knead the dough again for a little bit.
15. The dough must be kneaded 3 times in order to be shiny and al dente.
16. Sprinkle a little flour once a while.
17. Leave it for another 5 minutes.
18. Meanwhile you can wash your vegetables.
19. Knead the dough again. This time is the 3rd time.
20. Knead until you hear the bursting sound of little air bubbles. This way the dough is ready and the texture is al dente when we pull it.
21. Push out the little air bubbles inside.
22. The dough needs to be kneaded until the small air bubbles come out. Then it will be ready.
23. First you tap the cucumber before you cut it so that it will absorb more flavor.
24. Turn on the stove and start boiling the vegetables.
25. Start with the chicory.
26. Just put the chicory into the boiling water for a very short time, and a little salt, and it's done. Don't boiled it for too long because it won't be crips.
27. Next, boiled the purslane and the celtuse. Don't forget to add a little salt.
28. Next, we will make the tomato sauce.
29. Put a little oil in a pan.
30. If you like chilies, you may add some.
31. Put in the chopped tomatoes in the pan, and let it cooked until it become a sauce.
32. The tomato sauce is the main condiment for noodles in Shanxi.
33. Add some salt and some seasonal vegetables.
34. Turn off the stove and put the sauce into the bowl.
35. Boil some water for the noodles. When the water boils, you can start pulling the noodles.
36. First sprinkle a little flour on a board, and then roll the dough flat.
37. Cut the flat dough and push the noodle aside so that it won't stick.
38. When you cut, don't cut it off so that it will be easier to pull.
39. Get a little flour on your hands and pull the noodle. Put it into the boiling water.
40. Stir a little and let it cooked.
41. Take the noodle out from the pan and put it into a bowl.
42. First, add the tomato sauce on the noodle, then add some vegetables.
43. Ready to be served.
trackback : http://suprememastertv.tv/bbs/tb.php/vege_ru/776

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