Iranian Dolme (Stuffed Vine Leaves and Veggies) and Kobeh (Potato Rice Cutlet) (In Persian)      
(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)
Iranian Dolme (Stuffed Vine Leaves and Veggies)
3 capsicums (bell peppers)
4 tomatoes Some vine leaves
2 cups soaked rice
½ kilograms dolme herbs
2 cups broad beans
100 grams minced soy protein
1 onion, sliced
150 grams tamarind juice
Black pepper

(Potato Rice Cutlet)
3 boiled potatoes
½ kilograms coriander and parsley
150 grams minced soy protein
1 medium-sized onion, fried
3 cups cooked rice with saffron
Black pepper

Direction (to make dolme):
1. Put oil in a pot, add onion to saute
2. Add soy protein, stir well for a while then turn off the heat (A)
3. Put rice into a mixing bowl, add herbs, broad beans, salt, saffron, mix them well
4. Pour the cooked soy protein (A) into the rice bowl, and mix them all
5. Fill the bell peppers with the rice mixture and put into cooking pot
6. Do the same with the tomatoes and the vine leaves which must be folded well
7. Spread spices, oil and tamarind juice over them, then add water into the pot
8. Put a plate over them (inside the pot!) tightly to prevent the folded vine leaves from loosening
9. Heat until the water boils, then turn off the heat, and let sit for 1 hour

Direction (to make fillings of kobeh):
1. Put oil in a pot, add onion then soy protein to saute until golden brown
2. Add herbs, stir well
3. Add spices, salt, saffron, pepper, stir and saute well then turn heat off (B)

Direction (to make kobeh):
1. Take a handful of mashed potatoes, roll with both hands to make a ball, then flatten onto one hand to form a cup shape and fill with fillings (B)
2. Stick the edges to seal, roll with both hands to form a ball, make sure it is solid enough
(Always use water to wet skins to prevent the dough sticking both hands)
3. Preheat oil in a pan then fry the balls until golden brown
(Serve with lettuce, Brussel sprouts and tomato)

trackback : http://suprememastertv.tv/bbs/tb.php/vege_ru/774

File NO: 1127
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