Шпинат и тофу в кремовом соусе из кокоса и карри      
(For all ingredients,please use organic versions if available)
Fresh or frozen spinach
1 heaped tablespoon
coconut oil
2 blocks firm tofu
2 cups of coconut cream
1 large onion, chopped
3 or 4 cloves garlic, minced
Massel vegan
chicken-style stock cubes
1 tablespoon Moroccan spice mix
1 tablespoon herb and garlic seasoning
Rock salt
Served with rice and fresh garden salad

  1. Fry the onions until it’s clear.
  2. When the onion already soft, add in the garlic.
  3. Add in the spices and lightly fry it.
  4. Add in the sliced tofu. Fry slightly.
  5. Dilute 2 vegan chicken-style stock cubes in a cup of water.
  6. Add in the rock salt to the tofu.
  7. Fry the tofu until it is golden brown.
  8. Cut the asparagus into small bite size and then add in to the tofu.
  9. Add in ½ cup of the stock.
  10. Add in the spinach. A little bit at a time.
  11. When all the spinach are shrink, add in the coconut cream. Mix.
  12. Put the lid on and let the coconut and the spinach to shrink. This will take about 5 – 10 minutes.
  13. Meanwhile, cook the rice.
  14. Pre-soaked the rice for about 15 minutes beforehand so it will cook faster and taste better.
  15. Add in a little bit of salt and pour some hot water and then let it boil.
  16. 1 cup of rice with 1 cup of water.
  17. Cook until all the water evaporate.
  18. Meanwhile, prepare the salad with lettuce, tomato, and cucumber.
  19. To serve the spinach tofu, put some rice on a plate, and arrange some spinach tofu on the side.
  20. Add in the garnish.
  21. Serve the rice with the salad.

trackback : http://suprememastertv.tv/bbs/tb.php/vege_ru/770

File NO: 1121
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