Colorful Cuisines with Chef Cary Brown: Vegan "Ceviche," "Tuna" Salad, and "Bouillabaisse"      
(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)

Vegan Ceviche
(Serves 6 / Prep time: 20 minutes / Rest overnight)
Originated from Peru, it is vegan fish fillet marinated in kind of pickle.
All vegan fillet (within this video) using vegan fish.

2 pounds vegan fillet, diced or sliced
1½ cups fresh lemon juice
1 fresh yellow hot pepper, seeded and chopped
½ cup celery, chopped
2 garlic cloves, chopped
2 large red onions, cut into long thin strips – julienne style
3 tablespoons fresh cilantro, chopped
some water

Vegan Tuna Salad
(Serves 4 / Prep time: 10 minutes)

1 pound vegan fillet, flaked
4 green onions, cut ¼ inch
¼ cup carrot, shredded
¼ cup sweet pickle relish
½ cup celery, cut ¼ inch
½ teaspoon ginger powder
½ teaspoon mustard powder
½ cup Vegenaise (vegan mayonnaise)
Seaweed (optional)

Vegan Bouillabaisse
(Serves 8 / Prep time: 20 minutes / Cooking time: 15 minutes)

1 pound vegan fillet, diced ¾ inch long
20 vegan oysters (200 grams)
½ pound vegan chorizo, cut ¾ inch
28 ounce canned tomatoes, whole
1 medium onion, chopped
6 cloves garlic, chopped and crushed
1 bay leaf
½ cup fresh basil
½ teaspoon saffron
1 cup (240 ml) white grape juice (no sugar added)
Salt, pepper, hot sauce to taste
Some water

Directions (to make Vegan Ceviche):
1. Put water and all spices in a glass bowl, stir well
2. Put the vegan fillet into the bowl
3. Leave it covered overnight to marinate the vegan fish

Served with: Corn on the cob and sweet potatoes (boiled, ¾ inch sliced) and lettuce leaves

Directions (to make Vegan Tuna Salad):
1. Put 4 pieces vegan fillet into the food processor
2. Add the mayonnaise, ginger, celery, mustard, pickle relish, carrot, onion
3. Switch on the food processor, pulse sometimes, until the salad is ready

Served with: French bread

Directions (to make Vegan Bouillabaisse):
1. Put all the vegan fillet, oysters, chorizo into a pan
2. Add water, onion, garlic, tomatoes, saffron, basil
3. Cook for 15 minutes

Served with: Crushed garlic and vegan butter on top of French baguette (1 inch sliced)
trackback : http://suprememastertv.tv/bbs/tb.php/vege_ru/733

File NO: 1065
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