Un-cooking with Nimisha Raja: Raw Corn Chowder      
(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)
Serves 3
1 cup almond milk
3 ears raw corn, ripped using a knife (a)
2 tablespoons diced celery
1 clove fresh crushed garlic
1 carrot shredded or finely diced
3 tablespoons finely diced red onion
2 tablespoons diced green pepper
2 tablespoons diced red pepper
1 small diced tomato
½ teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon chopped cilantro
½ lime, juiced
¼ teaspoon chili powder (for Mexican flavor) OR dulse/kelp powder
2½ cups pure clean water

1) Soaking raw almonds in water removes the natural enzyme inhibitor from within
2) The purpose of cycling the blender is not to heat the material which could destroy its vitamins and enzymes

Directions (to make almonds milk):
1. Soften the almonds by soaking in pure water for 2 days
2. Put some pure water into blender, then pour the softened almonds in
3. Cycle the blender on and off at 30 seconds
4. Pour the resulting raw almonds liquid into a sifter to get the milk (b)

Directions (to prepare the food):
5. Pour the almonds milk (b) into the blender, add about a cup of the ripped corn (a)
6. Switch on the blender to have a thick and creamy almonds milk
7. Pour the resulting almonds milk into a bowl
8. Add the celery, garlic, carrot, onion, green & red pepper, tomato, salt, cilantro, chili powder, lime and the remainder of ripped corn
9. Mix all well then chill into the fridge

trackback : http://suprememastertv.tv/bbs/tb.php/vege_ru/729

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