Nutritious Grains: Spiced Spelt Morning Porridge with Coconut Milk by Vegan Chef Rebecca Frye      
Serves 2
(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)
½ cup whole spelt berries, soaked for 8 hours
1 cup filtered water
½ cup coconut milk
1 pinch sea salt
¼ cup dates, seed removed and chopped very small
1 teaspoon cinnamon
½ teaspoon ginger
2 tablespoons sunflower seeds, chopped
1 tablespoon almonds, chopped
2 tablespoons raisins

Please visit www.PureLifeChef.com
for more info on Chef Rebecca Frye and her vegan recipes.

1. Put the spelt into a pan, add water, boil then simmer to cook for 50-60 minutes
2. While in low heat add the coconut milk, dates, cinnamon, ginger, mix well
3. Mix almonds and sunflower seed together, add most of them to the pan
4. Add raisins, stir them well

Serving: Take some of the porridge into a plate, spread some of the almonds and sunflower seeds on top, and enjoy...

trackback : http://suprememastertv.tv/bbs/tb.php/vege_ru/716

File NO: 1036
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