Animal rights law and meat consumption - 1 June 2009  
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As the numbers of those diagnosed with swine flu continue to grow relentlessly throughout Mexico, the United States, and in every state now in Australia, the total confirmed cases has surpassed 15,500. Âu Lạc (Vietnam) is among the latest to have found a first new case.

Through the global effect of this swine flu outbreak, the conditions in factory farms have come under attention. A section of animal rights law is evolving that links livestock confinement to our own history of human slavery, providing another view on the reality of meat consumption.

Professor Gary Francione, a Professor of Law and Philosophy at Rutgers University in the US and a pioneer of abolitionist theory of animal rights, spokewith Supreme Master Television about the abolition of animal exploitation for food.

Gary Francione – Professor of Law, Vegan (M):
I really can’t think of the issue of animal exploitation, without also thinking about the exploitation of women, the exploitation of people of color. When you accept the abolitionist approach, what makes sense in that context is to say, “I’m going to reject animal slavery; I can’t get rid of it all immediately from the society, but I can get rid of it pretty much from my life, because I make the decision about what goes in my mouth, what I wear on my body. Veganism is accepting the principle of abolition into your own life.

VOICE: Our sincere appreciation, Professor Francione, for bringing the cruelty ofanimal agriculture to light as another form of injustice we can choose to stop. We send our sympathies to those who have suffered loss to this virus and we pray for the comfort and safe recovery of the afflicted, as well as the freedom from suffering of all beings.



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