Prince Charles launches innovative campaign to save rainforests - 8 Oct 2009  
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In collaboration with renowned celebrities and high-profile international companies, the United Kingdom’s Prince of Wales is initiating an “SOS” text campaign in which people from around the globe text their name and a short message in support of protecting rain forests.

In honor of the campaign, British musician Sting has created a new song about rainforests to the tune of his popular song, “Message in a Bottle.”

In a November event to be hosted by His Royal Highness, the SOS petition will be presented to leaders to take to the Denmark climate change meeting as a demonstration of the degree of public concern.

Prince Charles: Solving climate change is the precondition to ensuring security. And without adequately addressing tropical deforestation, we cannot have an answer to climate change.
It is that simple: saving the rainforest is not an option; it is actually an absolute necessity!

Your Royal Highness, we are grateful for your continued noble example and caring efforts for the environment. Wishing your valued mission fruitful success in bringing restoration to verdant forests across all lands.
