Sulfur dioxide pollution highlights methane as key to global warming. - 11 Mar 2010  
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Sulfur dioxide pollution highlights methane as key to global warming.
With countries such as China and India now reducing pollutants containing sulfur dioxide, Dr. Frank Raes, head of the Climate Change Unit of the European Commission Joint Research Center in Italy reports that the planet is likely to heat more quickly in response.

Sulfur dioxide, which is emitted in the processing of coal, oil and other industrial processes, has already been significantly reduced in many developed nations.

Although it is harmful to health, sulfur aerosols create an atmospheric cooling effect that offsets the heat emitted by the CO2 released in these same processes.

This suggests that the heat from coal, oil and industry in developing nations has played a smaller role in global warming than previously thought.  Such a finding corresponds with the conclusions of Dr. Drew Shindell from the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration, who estimated that because of sulfur dioxide’s cooling effect, methane, which is generated primarily by activities related to meat production, is heating the atmosphere much more than previously thought.

Our appreciation Dr. Raes and European Commission Joint Research Center fellow scientists, for this insightful finding. Let us choose the fastest way to return to health and cool the planet, namely, through the safe and Earth-friendly vegan diet.

As mentioned on previous occasions, Supreme Master Ching Hai reminded once again during a September 2009 videoconference in South Korea that the most urgent global warming threat lies in sources other than carbon dioxide.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: If the goal is to be a truly carbon-free society, we should consider all the major sources of greenhouse gases emissions. You see, we are emitting greenhouse gases not just through the fumes from factories, houses, and cars, but also through the products that we choose to consume. Besides, CO2 is cancelled out by aerosols, which are released at the same time from burning fossil fuels.

Even though aerosols are very detrimental to our health, they actually have a cooling effect that cancels out the CO2 heat in the atmosphere.

So the warming climate problem is not from CO2 I repeat, it’s not from carbon dioxide. It is from other sources, mainly methane.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: First and foremost, eliminate the single largest source of human-caused methane, namely, livestock. Stop animal products, then we stop global warming.

A safe plastic for Earth and animals.
According to Dr. Charlotte Williams of the UK’s Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, research at Imperial College London has resulted in the transformation of simple plant sugars into polymers that can be used to make plastic.

This new material, while durable, is harvested from non-food crop plants and requires significantly less energy to manufacture. It also biodegrades in months compared to the hundreds of years required for fossil-fuel based materials.

The technology is expected to be production-ready within several years. Our eco-salute, Dr. Williams, Imperial College London researchers and Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council for this eco-friendly alternative to plastic.

May such noble work as yours continue to yield materials that help restore our harmonious balance with Mother Earth.

Extra News
In India, the state government of Jammu and Kashmir is working to preserve a rare red deer unique to the region whose numbers have dropped significantly in recent years.

The UK’s Conservation Foundation sends out a first batch of tree saplings to schools in a project that seeks to restore the English elm population from the devastation of past disease.

Attended by both African Union and United Nations officials, African Environment Day highlights the need for conservation values to lessen damage and halt global warming across the climate-vulnerable continent.

A pygmy sperm whale saved from beach stranding earlier this year and cared for by the Taijiang Cetacean Rescue Center in Formosa (Taiwan) has been successfully returned to the wild.