Warming causes ice cap on Ugandan mountain range to split. - 19 May 2010  
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Warming causes ice cap on Ugandan mountain range to split.
Researchers at Uganda's Wildlife Authority (UWA) say that climate change has accelerated glacial melt on the country's western Rwenzori mountain range, with a recent six-meter wide crevice discovered on the ice cap covering Mount Margherita, Africa’s third highest peak.

This mountain, one of the few near the equator to host a glacier, was named a United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) World Heritage Site in 1994.

However, rising temperatures have seen Mount Margherita’s ice cap go from six square kilometers in size 50 years ago to less than one square kilometer today, with scientists forecasting that all the glaciers in the Rwenzori range could disappear within 20 years.

Uganda Wildlife Authority scientists, we are thankful for your careful observations and insights into the African continent’s vital glaciers.

May such information hasten us all toward lifestyles that restore the Earth’s balance and stability.
Highlighting the urgency of the planet’s warming state, Supreme Master Ching Hai emphasized as on many previous occasions the need to foster eco-conscious ways during an August 2008 videoconference with our Canadian Association members.

Supreme Master Ching Hai : The time of disappearing of the ice means also the spelling of trouble for our planet. Of course it would be better if we already saved the planet before the ice melted.

But as it is, we can only do the best we can and trying to inform everybody to save themselves by being vegan. If the ice melts quicker, then, of course, we have shorter time to save the planet.
But nevertheless because people are joining the vegan diet, we still can manage to save the world.

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