European Parliament Members welcome hearing from veg advocate Sir Paul McCartney.- 5 Dec 2009  
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An animal-free vegan diet could save up to 94% greenhouse gas emissions, while also greatly solving issues of land degradation, biodiversity loss, and ever-intensifying food and water shortages. These were some of the aspects highlighted in Thursday’s European Parliament hearing that specially invited Sir Paul McCartney, former Beatles artist and vegetarian who has been promoting a Meat-Free Mondays campaign since June 2009.

Sir Paul McCartney – Former Beatles member, Vegetarian (M): What can the European Parliament do, and the governments of the world? I suggest that they could encourage and guide people to reduce meat consumption.It's no longer a personal choice. This is something that’s going to affect the whole of the planet.

VOICE: The hearing titled “Climate Change and Food Policy: Less Meat = Less Heat” was chaired by European Parliament Vice President Edward McMillan-Scott, an open vegetarian advocate, and comes on the eve of the key Copenhagen Climate Change Conference.

Edward McMillan-Scott – European Parliament Vice President, Vegetarian (M):We can decide for ourselves now how to slow climate change. Less Meat = Less Heat.

VOICE: Also lending their supportive voices was European Parliament President Jerzy Buzek, among other officials.

Jerzy Buzek – President of European Parliament (M): Everybody can give up meat for one day, at least one day a week.

Chris Davies – European Parliament Member (M):I think this is a matter that is serious. I think diet needs to be addressed.

Caroline Lucas – European Parliament Member, VEGAN (F):We’re going to have to have a much less meat-based diet, because it’s simply an incredibly inefficient way of using grain resources in a constrained world.

VOICE: Our gratefulness, Sir Paul McCartney and leaders of the European Parliament and United Nations for your concern and noble initiatives on the vital issue of diet change to address global warming.
Let us all quickly make the necessary transition to the planet-saving veg lifestyle.In her dedicated efforts to help humanity avoid a dire planetary outcome, Supreme Master Ching Hai once more emphasized the immediate and powerful effects of organic vegan fare, in an interview published in the July 2009 edition
of the Irish Sunday Independent.

Supreme Master Ching Hai :The truth is that, scientifically speaking, we have a short time left because we have already waited too long to act. It is better if we concentrate on the solution to save the Earth. We can still do it.

If everyone becomes part of the solution, which is the organic life-saving vegan diet, it's so simple really, it's so simple. It's no sacrifice, it's even better for health, better for everything!

Organic vegan diet, that's all we need to do, for the time being. And any other green technology, we can slowly develop.