Global warming accelerates carbon dioxide release - 4 Aug 2009  
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Plant ecologist Dr. Ellen Dorrepaal, and colleagues of VU University Amsterdam in the Netherlands studied sub-Arctic peatlands in northern Sweden and found that a one degree Celsius rise in temperature speeds respiration rates of total ecosystems by up to 60 percent, with effects that can continue for at least eight years.

This is much higher than previously thought, highlighting the sensitivity of the vast peatland area to warming trends.Our appreciation Dr. Dorrepaal and team for this vital research showing yet another alarming impact of climate change on our planet.

Let us all act now to preserve our Earth and her inhabitants. The dangerous implications of global warming have often been cited by Supreme Master Ching Hai, who highlighted the most effective way to reverse its effects in an August 2008 interview with Ireland’s East Coast FM Radio.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: According to the scientists, whatever they have predicted or prescribed about our critical situation is accurate up to 99%. They want us to change the way we live our lives, to protect our fragile ecosystem, by cutting down CO2 emissions.

And the fastest way that individuals can do, without a lot of protocol and ado, is to be veg.

It’s truly critical now, as we have witnessed increasing disaster worldwide, due to climate change.

We still have time, we still have a little time to change the course of destiny, thanks to the vegetarian population, old and new members that reduce the most karmic retribution in the shortest span of time.