Climate Change Complicates Ozone Recovery - 23 Apr 2009  
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Greenhouse gases could interfere with ozone recovery. Scientists at the US National Aeronautics and Space Agency (NASA) and Johns Hopkins University in Maryland, USA have reported the finding that greenhouse gases limit the circulation of ozone in certain regions of the upper atmosphere. The effect of this is that the healing of the ozone layer, whose depletion was caused by previous use of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and other chemicals, may be much slower in tropical zones. The scientists note that although greenhouse gases actually cool the upper stratosphere, allowing the ozone layer to heal more quickly, these recently discovered circulation changes appear to offset that benefit in tropical areas, thus limiting or even delaying the healing effect indefinitely. Professor Feng Li of NASA stated, “Most studies of ozone and global change have focused on cooling in the upper stratosphere. But we find circulation is just as important. It's not one process or the other, but both."

Our sincere appreciation, Professor Feng Li , National Aeronautics and Space Agency and Johns Hopkins researchers, for helping us to understand the multiple challenges the planet faces from greenhouse gas emissions. We pray for rapid Earth-saving actions to preserve all life across the globe.

In December 2006, during a retreat with our Association members in Germany, Supreme Master Ching Hai shared her concern and insights about the possible consequences of a destabilized atmosphere.

Excerpt from Supreme Master Ching Hai’s lecture
Germany December 31, 2006

Supreme Master Ching Hai: If it’s warm you jump into the water, but if it’s too cold I don’t know if you have enough thing to keep you warm. It might get freezing even after the warming period. Do you understand me?

Because sometime the pollution, it damage the ozone layer. Yes and then all the heat maybe escape. After a while we don’t have any heat. And then maybe too much pollution cover the sun and everything and maybe too much changing. And then everything will go so bad and it might be freezing even, that’s even worse also.

So many things can happen, and it can happen soon. So right now it’s time for all the people of every country should get together and think of the solution quick.