Threat from global warming escalated - 27 Feb 2009  
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Serious consequences from global warming such as droughts, flooding and mass extinctions will occur with less warming than previously predicted. This was a key message put forth in a report from the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) working with the US-based environmental research company Stratus Consulting. The report states that, with a warming of just 0.22 degrees Fahrenheit since the 1990s, the damaging and often fatal effects of climate change are already being seen through such extreme events as hurricanes, flooding, droughts and heat waves. This means that increased devastation is in our future if greenhouse gas emissions continue, raising temperatures even more.

Our sincere thanks, UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and Stratus Consulting. Let us quicken our steps in acting now to save all lives on our shared planetary abode.

To help us better understand the grave urgency of possible scenarios for our planet, Supreme Master Ching Hai drew from the case of neighboring Mars, where tens of millions of years ago, global warming had built up past the point of no return. She shared these insights during a videoconference with Supreme Master Television staff on January 18, 2009.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: It happened so fast in the last two months that they had no time to prepare nothing. They never believed it’s going to happen, because it’s too fast. They know something may be going wrong, but they do not listen to the wise people, to the spiritual people who can see the future and who can know the cause and the effect of actions and reactions. Even then, they thought they have a lot of time, but they didn’t. In the past five years they have been warned, but they did not listen, they did not change. And then the last two months it happened just so fast, so fast, nobody even has time to even think. Ninety percent of the beings on Mars died just like that.