Scientists concerned about future temperature rise - 21 Dec 2009  
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Many have called the new Copenhagen Accord produced by the United Nations Climate Change Conference an important first step in the right direction to curb global warming. However, the Union of Concerned Scientists reminds that without stringent near-term emission reduction goals, the accord’s stated objective of a maximum global temperature increase of 2 degrees Celsius will not be achieved. Rather, it is far more likely that global temperatures will rise by 3-4 degrees Celsius, a range some experts say could trigger runaway warming, with catastrophic effects.

During the conference, it was emphasized by small island nations that even a 2-degree rise would be disastrous and that the goal must be 1.5 degrees Celsius to prevent these countries and other coastal areas from being submerged.Last Chance!  Pacific Island leaders call to keep us alive.  

Edward Natapei – Prime Minister of Vanuatu (M): It’s a matter of survival for us.

Mohamed Nasheed – President of Maldives (M): If we go ‘business as usual,’ it’s going to be very difficult for us to be intact.

VOICE: Not only coast-lined nations but also regions prone to drought are already suffering from above-average temperatures. Mongolian President Nambaryn Enkhbayar, who spoke before Copenhagen delegates about the impacts in his own drought-afflicted country, agreed that an important solution is reduced consumption
of animal products, the leading source of multiple heat-trapping greenhouse gases.

Supreme Master TV: Do you realize we have to tell people eat less meat, if possible become vegetarian?

President  Ts. Elbegdorj of Mongolia (M): Please, yes, please eat less meat. But we have 2.5 million people, more than 50 million cattle in Mongolia. This is also one problem in Mongolia, because of the rise of the number of cattle.

VOICE: His Excellency then stated that a conversion from livestock to vegan farming would be preferred for the environment and fellow countrypersons.

President  Ts. Elbegdorj of Mongolia (M): We have plenty of land to plant more vegetables in Mongolia. Please come to plant in Mongolia vegetables.And also we have plenty of markets.

VOICE: Members of the Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association were honored to present President Enkhbayar with further materials regarding the veg solution to climate change.
Also during the climate summit, our Association members had the opportunity to present this highly relevant literature to other heads of State and government – Their Excellencies German Chancellor Angela Merkel, European Commission President José Manuel Barroso, US President Barack Obama, and United Nations
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon.

We salute all noble country leaders, and thank the likewise caring scientists, for your efforts to save our planet. May we quickly bring the vital vegan solution to the agenda to ensure the survival of all beings in our biosphere. In a January 2009 videoconference with dignitaries and the public in Mongolia, Supreme Master Ching Hai once more urged Mongolia and governments worldwide toward the important benefits of
the vegan lifestyle.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Mongolia, as with the rest of the world, is experiencing more severe weather, more fatal patterns of climate change due to the effects of global warming. With livestock raising, we deplete Mongolians’ already limited natural resources and even put the country more in danger of desertification. Instead of grazing animals, we can begin planting the organic vegetable, which is more healthy to everyone.

By not subsidizing the meat diet, we save trillions of US dollars per year in tax. We save a lot of suffering from meat-related illness. We save a lot of food to share with all the hungry in the world, so our conscience will never have to wake up in the middle of the night and bite us anymore.
We need all the help from the government. We must work together.