Новости и события
 Video conference with Supreme Master Ching Hai on Feb 17 2008

Published by  Love Ocean Creative International Company, Ltd.,  first release of  "The Noble Wilds" will  take place starting February 13, 2008, at  the Formosa international  Book Fair in the Taipei World Trade Center.

 February 17,  a videoconference will be  broadcast live  on Supreme Master  Television to discuss  
 “The Noble Wilds.”    The conference will   include members   of the press, dignitaries  from all circles of   
 Formosa (Taiwan), and Dr. Janez Dronvšek,  Second President  of Slovenia.  
 A special invitation   was extended  to the author herself,  and Supreme Master  Ching Hai has   
 graciously accepted.
Please watch this live special videoconference on Feb 17 Sunday (GMT 10:30 am - 12:00pm) on Supreme Master Television
  trackback : http://suprememastertv.tv/bbs/tb.php/news_ru/16



"Supreme Master Television" прекратил вещание 2 января, 2012
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