Здоровый образ жизни
Наркотики – смертельная ловушка   

Reverend (m): I started taking drugs from 17 and have spent countless penitent days since then. Those days should’ve been the golden days of my life, the happiest time of my life, and I should’ve worked energetically at that age. Instead, I was tempted, enslaved and devastated by drugs and lost everything

HOST: Reverend Shin Yong-Won’s story is not unique but reflects the experience of many around the world who have been trapped by drugs.

In 2007 the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime estimated that the global population of drug addicts was 18 to 38 million.

Drug abuse causes severe harm to public health, and causes unbearable pain to families and friends.
On this episode of Healthy Living we examine the hazards of drug use and how to help our loved ones stay away from the perils of addiction.

Marie-Francoise (f): Drugs are really the intruder that will cheat the brain and make us think we need them.

HOST: Once a habit is established, it is exceedingly difficult to free oneself from the grip of narcotics.

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