Greek Salad with Vegan Feta Cheese,Mushroom Curry Sautéed Cherry Tomatoes,Vegan Sausage Sandwich - January 10, 2009   
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1 cucumber
1 tomato
½ pack of vegan feta cheese
Fresh button mushrooms
1 tablespoon olive oil
Apple juice
½ teaspoon mushroom or any vegetable seasoning
1 tablespoon curry powder
½ teaspoon paprika
Pinch of salt
½ teaspoon of balsamic vinegar (optional)

Greek Salad with Vegan Feta Cheese

  1. Cube the cucumber, the tomato, and the vegan feta cheese.
  2. Put them all in a bowl. One side cucumber, one side tomatoes, and then on top of that is cubed cheese.
  3. Ready to be served. Just use a toothpick to pick them together.
Mushroom Curry and Sautéed Cherry Tomatoes
  1. Put one tablespoon in each of two pans. Heat them up.
  2. Add in the mushrooms, and let it fry a little bit.
  3. Add in a little bit of apple juice and leave it over there.
  4. Put the cherry tomatoes in the other pan. Fry it a little bit
  5. Add in a little bit of apple juice.
  6. Add in a little mushroom or any vegetable seasoning in each pan.
  7. Let them both simmer.
  8. Add in1 tablespoon of curry powder and half a tablespoon of paprika.
  9. Add in a pinch of salt. Stir well together.
  10. Add in a little bit of balsamic vinegar, about half a tablespoon. It’s optional.
  11. Add in a pinch of salt, ground black pepper, and some coriander powder. Mixed well.
  12. Put the mushrooms into a bowl, and the tomatoes in another bowl.
  13. Ready to be served.
Vegan Sausage Sandwich with Eggplant Pâté
  1. While the pan is still hot, put in the vegan sausage in the pan and let it warm up. Or just put it in the microwave for 2 minutes.
  2. Add in a little bit of olive oil in it.
  3. Wait until it warms up or fry it up a little bit. Let both sides of the vegan sausage turn into golden, then it’s done.
  4. Cut the bread into sausage lengths and halve the bread.
  5. Put a little bit of eggplant pate on it.
  6. Put the sausage in the bread of just put it in a bowl and let the guest decide what to do with it.
  7. Ready to be served.
On the table prepare some tomato ketchup, chili sauce, mustard, soy sauce.

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