Vegan Pancakes   
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Vegan Pancakes INGREDIENTS:
1/2 kilogram of self-rising flour
1/2 teaspoon of salt
1/2 liter soya milk
1/2 liter of water
Oil for frying
Optional toppings:
Lemon juice

  1. Pour about half a kilogram of non-clumpy self raising flour.
  2. Add in a quarter liter of soya milk.
  3. Add in half a teaspoon of salt.
  4. Stir until it become good mixture.
  5. Add in more soya milk if needed to make a good batter with no clump.
  6. Add some water if needed. This is optional. Can use half a liter of soya milk and half a liter of water. It depends on preference. Adding water will make the pancake more crispy while adding milk with make the pancake softer.
  7. Leave the batter alone for about 10-20 minutes.
  8. Add about half – one cup of water into the batter if the batter is too thick.
  9. Meanwhile, wash the lemon. Spray it with vinegar solution around it and then wash it with water.
  10. Cut the lemon in a way so that it will be easier to squeeze on.
  11. Put 1-2 tablespoon of oil inside a pan and heat it. Spread the oil evenly over the pan.
  12. When the pan becomes hot, add in about one scoop of batter into the pan and spread it over.
  13. Close the pan for a few minutes. After a while check it out whether the batter is brown underneath.
  14. Turn it over.
  15. When the pancake has golden brown color on both sides, then it is ready. Take it out of the pan.
  16. Repeat the procedure until all the batter is finished.
  17. To serve the pancake, just sprinkle some sugar on it evenly and squeeze the lemon around top of it.
  18. Or just use syrup on the pancake.
  19. Ready to be served.

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