Добрые люди, добрые дела
Фонд молодого духа: саморазвитие и мудрость   

HOST: Welcome, open-minded viewers, to another edition of Good People, Good Works. Today we feature the Young Spirit Foundation, a nonprofit organization based in the Bay Area region of Northern California, USA.

The Foundation assists teachers and schools in the US in creating “wisdom-based” curricula that promote furthering of self-development, exploring of spiritual identity, building of self awareness, and connecting with the community. 

The Foundation’s president Theodore Timpson has a bachelor’s degree from Harvard University, USA and a Master of Science in education from Bank Street College, USA.

He has worked with young people for most of his professional life and has been an elementary school teacher for many years.

Mr. Timpson recently took time from his busy schedule to speak with our Supreme Master Television correspondent and now discusses why he started the Foundation.

For more details on the Young Spirit Foundation,please visit YoungSpirit.org

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