Добрые люди, добрые дела
Делимся искусством: развиваем врожденное творчество юных – ч 1 из 2    Часть 1

Supreme Master Ching Hai: We ought to unfold the jubilant, lively and colorful spirit within us. In painting or doing other things, we should bring vitality and happiness to this world.

HOST: Greetings, lovely viewers, and welcome to Good People, Good Works. This week’s show features
Art Share Los Angeles, a wonderful non-profit organization located in the Arts District of Los Angeles,
California, USA.

Art Share operates a community-based arts learning center whose goals are to change lives among
the area’s underprivileged and provide a safe shelter and workplace where both emerging and established local artists can exhibit and perform.

For more details on Art Share, please visit

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