HEALTHY LIVING Dr. T. Colin Campbell's The China Study: Reducing Risk of Disease through a Vegan Diet-Part1    Часть 3
Часть 1 Play with windows media Скачать
( 34 MB )
Часть 2 Play with windows media Скачать
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Часть 3 Play with windows media Скачать
( 32 MB )

The China Study

The China Study gives critical, life-saving nutritional information for
every health-seeker in America. But, it is much more; Dr. Campbell’s
exposé of the research and medical establishment makes this book a
fascinating read and one that could change the future for all of us.
Every health care provider and researcher in the world must read it

Related Link
HEALTHY LIVING An Interview with Dr. Adiel Tel-oren, Founder of Ecopolitan-Part 1
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