2010 Mother’s Day International Celebration with Our Association Members & Friends    Часть 1
Часть 1 Play with windows media Скачать
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Часть 2 Play with windows media Скачать
( 111 MB )

HOST : Greetings and welcome to Enlightening Entertainment for our Mother’s Day celebration.
Mother’s Day, which arrives this year on Sunday, May 9, is celebrated in many parts of the world to honor all beloved mothers as well as those who are like mothers to us.

Near this time is the birthday of Supreme Master Ching Hai, which is joyfully celebrated by our Association members with immense happiness and gratitude for her precious presence on Earth and her unconditional love for all beings.

As a spiritual teacher who sets a noble example of selfless giving, kindness, and care, Supreme Master Ching Hai is often affectionately called by the revered title of Mom.

With deepest appreciation, our Association members dedicate heartfelt greetings, songs, and performances in honor of Mother’s Day and Supreme Master Ching Hai’s birthday.

We now invite you to enjoy the first of two parts of our Mother’s Day celebration program on today’s Enlightening Entertainment.

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