Спасение грейхаундов в Австралии – ч 1 из 2   
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Lisa(f): They’re basically used for the racing industry and then discarded. But then when you research the nature of the breed, they’re just a beautiful dog, and a really good family dog.

HOST: Welcome, loving viewers, to this edition of Animal World: Our Co-Inhabitants as we visit the all-volunteer, non-profit group Friends of the Hound which is based in northern New South Wales, Australia in the small town of Tweed Heads. Friends of the Hound specializes in rescuing and re-homing greyhounds and serves its home state and the South East parts of the state of Queensland.

In Australia 20,000 greyhounds are bred each year for the cruel sport of greyhound racing where betting occurs. After only three or four years a dog’s career is over and they often will be euthanized as they are no longer wanted by the dog racer.

Friends of the Hound desires to see all greyhounds live out their natural lives in peace and happiness. To date the group has saved the lives of some 300 greyhounds. Let us now hear from the founder and president of the group, Lisa White, on how Friends of the Hounds came to be.

Lisa(f): We went to the local pound here to join the local animal rescue group “Friends of the Pound,” and whilst I was in signing all the paperwork, the kids and my husband went out and were looking at the dog pens, and when I came out, I saw this beautiful blue greyhound sitting there in one of the cages.

And I happened to say, “Oh, what a lovely dog,” as I was walking past, and the pound keeper overheard me and said, “Oh, don’t look at that dog,” and I said, “Oh, why?” And they said, “Oh, it’s a greyhound, it’s here to be destroyed.” And I just grabbed the kids and walked off.

For more details on Friends of the Hound, please visit

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