Сознательная высококлассная кухня Яна Брандта в Солт-Лэйк-сити, Юта   
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Greetings, magnificent viewers! Today on Vegetarianism: The Noble Way of Living, we are pleased to offer you the story of a young entrepreneur driven to serve his community and change the world for the better,
one delectable vegetarian meal at a time.

Ian(m): Instead of getting out on the streets and protesting the fur industry, I felt like taking another stance, and that was towards the environment, for health, and wellbeing, as well as for spiritual development, as well as for animal rights.

HOST: To achieve these ideals, it was important for Ian to offer guests a memorable dining experience, one that leaves a positive impression on vegetarian cuisine.

Ian(m): They come in and they willingly consume something. Within that process my hope is that they alter their state of consciousness even a little bit, so that our world can become a more peaceful, happy place filled with healthier people, a more positive attitude, and definitely less sacrificing for these animals who we should be sharing this Earth with instead of competing with.

Visit Ian Brandt’s multi-award winning gourmet vegetarian establishments:
Sage’s Café Vegetarian Organic at SagesCafe.com
Vertical Diner Extreme Dining at VerticalDiner.com
and Cali’s Natural Foods at CalisNaturalFoods.com

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