Вегетарианская элита Поль Бланшар, милосердный советник Йорка   
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SupremeMasterTV(f): Halo, and welcome to Supreme Master Television. We’re here in London in the UK with Mr. Paul Blanchard. Mr Blanchard is a councilor of York City Council.

HOST: On today’s Vegetarian Elite program, we are joined by one of the most promising allies for animals on the United Kingdom’s political stage. Well supported by his peers and public citizens, Mr. Blanchard was re-elected for a second four-year term as a councilor in 2007 with greatly increased votes.

In a sit-down with Supreme Master Television, we find out why Councilor Paul Blanchard is truly an example of kind-heartedness with a vision of the world to come, one that is free from animal abuse and cruelty.
SupremeMasterTV(f): You are a vegan, you are a member of the Vegan Society.

Paul(m): Indeed.

SupremeMasterTV(f): Could you tell us why you went vegan?

Paul(m): I went vegan because initially I was vegetarian and frankly I didn’t know enough about veganism. So I thought, like many vegetarians do, I thought that was enough. I didn’t realize the intrinsic cruelty involved in dairy and egg production and so on.

When I met a few vegans, I was listening and interested to what they had to say. I realized that vegetarianism kind of wasn’t enough and that’s why I went vegan.

SupremeMasterTV(f): Have you noticed any health benefits since changing your diet?

Paul(m): Very much so. I mean, when I went vegan it wasn’t for kind of my own health reasons, it was because of what had been brought to my attention, the cruelty involved in dairy and egg production.
But yes, an amazing kind of side benefit of going vegan of course was the weight fell off me. I feel a lot more healthy, I have more energy, and yes, things are absolutely great.

HOST: Inspired by another’s act, Paul Blanchard’s determination and compassion succeeded in restricting the sale of the unbelievably cruel animal product, foie gras, in the City of York.

This gained enormous press attention, including a special feature on Sky News. Since then, at least five other councils have followed suit.

You can learn more about Councilor Paul Blanchard and contact him at Paul-Blanchard.info

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