Briton finds unexpected mission of rescuing animals from Asia - 12 Sep 2010  
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During a holiday trip to Malaysia, United Kingdom resident Ailsa McKnight discovered six cats, three rabbits, and a dog abandoned in filthy small cages outdoors in highly distressing conditions.

Although the Alsatian cross dog sadly passed away overnight, she was able to bring the cats and rabbits for necessary veterinary care, so they could be stabilized for travelthe United Kingdom.

The rabbits were treated for swollen lumps all over their bodies from edema caused by water under their fur, as they had not been able to perspire quickly enough when they were left in the sun day in and day out.

The cats were so close to death that it was initially thought they would have to be euthanized. Fortunately, after five weeks of treatment, the veterinarian pronounced them fit to travel.

The combination of her rescue efforts, treatment, air travel and subsequent quarantine upon returning to the UK has cost Ailsa over US$20,000.

Although she says humorously that most people would probably think she is “mad,” Ailsa herself stated that she is glad for what she has done.

With the rabbits successfully adopted into loving homes, she is now seeking the same for the cats.
We are deeply touched by your kindhearted and caring nature, Ms. Ailsa McKnight, as surely are your rabbit and feline friends.

May the cats soon be similarly welcomed into loving caregivers’ homes. For her selfless and tender deeds, Supreme Master Ching Hai is honoring Alisa McKnight with the Shining World Compassion Award, along with US$5,000 to chip in with her for the costs. She also sends Alisa lots of hugs and love.
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