the recent three-day United Nations World Food Summit from November 17
to 19, the UN Food and Agriculture Organization announced that over 1.2
billion people, or one-sixth of the global human population, are
starving due to regional conflict, global financial crisis, rising
energy prices and food costs.
Addressing the assembly, UN
Secretary General Ban ki-Moon emphasized that food security depends on
reversing global warming, and that water shortages are already becoming
one of its earliest and most visible consequences. Along with Africa,
Asia, and Latin America, which are expected to see agricultural
declines of up to 40% as temperatures rise above 2 degrees Celsius, the
Yangtze River Basin, which supports a third of China’s total
population, is also likely to experience more extreme weather.
addition, it is estimated that over 20 million East Africans are
already in desperate need of emergency food following conflict and
droughts. Secretary General Ban warned, “In many parts of the world,
water supplies are declining, agricultural land is drying out. We must
make significant changes to feed ourselves, and most especially to
safeguard the poorest and most vulnerable.”
Ban Ki-Moon:There
can be no food security without climate security. That is why next
month in Copenhagen we need a comprehensive agreement that will provide
a firm foundation for a legally binding treaty on climate change.
Pope Benedict XVI:
The preservation of the environment is a modern challenge to guarantee
a harmonious development that respects the plan of God the Creator and
hence can preserve the planet.
If all of humankind is called to be
conscious of its own responsibilities towards future generations, it's
also true that the duty to protect the environment is the
responsibility of states and international organizations.
General Ban, United Nations and all participating leaders, we are
thankful for your concern for the welfare of people around the world.
Indeed, may all of humanity quickly adopt the most sustainable solution
to world hunger and climate change alike: the organic vegan diet.
Supreme Master Ching Hai has frequently
highlighted meat
production as the aggravating factor behind both resource scarcity and
global warming, as in a July 2008 videoconference with climate and
other experts in California, USA.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: For the grain that we use for livestock, we can feed 2 billion people.
kind of world we are living in and what kind of policy we are following
and what kind of kindness we are doing to ourselves and our fellow
beings, not to talk about animals yet.
God has created enough
water for us, enough food for us to last even forever, if we but know
how to stop abusing the Earth’s resources and her sustenance. We should
not kill our fellow beings to satisfy our greed. This is the main point
of planetary problems right now – our over spending of our moral merit
and world resources. And stop meat eating is the main solution to save
the planet.
http://www.circleofblue.org/waternews/2009/world/news-food-security-and-climate-change-are-deeply-interconnected-un-secretary-general-says/ http://english.cctv.com/program/worldwidewatch/20091117/101260.shtmlhttp://thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=/2009/11/18/worldupdates/2009-11-18T004135Z_01_NOOTR_RTRMDNC_0_-440285-1&sec=Worldupdates http://www.presstv.ir/detail.aspx?id=111509§ionid=3510212, http://www.france24.com/en/node/4927469 http://www.france24.com/en/node/4927502 http://www.reuters.com/article/swissMktRpt/idUSLH70163320091117?sp=true