Gute Menschen, gute Taten
Die vegetarische Essensausgabe in Ontario – Sich eine hungerfreie Welt vorstellen   

The non-profit Ontario Vegetarian Food Bank has two locations in greater Toronto, Canada. With the noble vision of helping to create a hunger-free world,the organization provides fresh fruit, vegetables and other vegetarian foods free of charge to disadvantaged individuals and families.

Hallo,good-hearted viewers, and welcome to Good People, Good Works. Today’s program features
an interview with Mr. Malan Joseph, founder of The Ontario Vegetarian Food Bank. This fine gentleman is active in many areas of his community, having also established the organization Universal Community Help in 2000 to provide spiritual counseling to local residents regardless of their background. Mr. Joseph discussed with us the origins of the food bank.
For more information about The Ontario Vegetarian Food Bank, please contact:
telephone: +1 416-744-4357

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