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Tägliche Tipps
filtered tap water in a reusable bottle or cup
And now for a tip, even though there are some good quality bottled water industries, like biodegradable water bottles, you still can't beat filtered tap water in a reusable bottle or cup. To save on packaging the same goes for other widely-consumed beverages, like coffee, and tea. Reusable bottles and mug-flasks are becoming widely available in different sizes, shapes and colors. It should be easy to find one that’s just right for you.
fill up a small bag with fruits like sweet cherries and grapes, or dried fruit
a health tip: If you’re looking for healthy snack alternatives, but don’t have a lot of preparation time, fill up a small bag with fruits like sweet cherries and grapes, or dried fruit such as dates, figs, prunes, raisins, or apricots. You can add your favorite nuts, for a quick and easy way to get nutrients into your diet! Enjoy!
Instead of clothes dryers that use a lot of energy, why not use a drying rack or clothes line?
we have a useful environmental tip. Instead of clothes dryers that use a lot of energy, why not use a drying rack or clothes line? In summer time, you will just love the scent of clothes dried in the great outdoors. In winter time, you can dry your clothes partially in a dryer, and then finish the job on a drying rack. This will be much better for the environment, and will reduce costs!
Develop the happiness habit, by always looking at the bright side of life and endeavoring to be happy
we have a positive tip for your overall health. Develop the happiness habit, by always looking at the bright side of life and endeavoring to be happy. Like a health tonic, happiness increases circulation, the heartbeats and makes people stay healthier. Studies show that happy people have far less cortisol, a stress hormone. Happy people also tend to live longer. According to Dr. Carol Ryff, director of the Institute on Aging, "Those kinds of individuals have lower levels of cardiovascular risk, lower levels of blood pressure and lower levels of bad cholesterol." Happiness comes from within. It keeps us healthy and makes others happy too.
tip reduces stress and increasing wellbeing - Think positive
Today’s tip reduces stress and increasing wellbeing: Think positive. If you find yourself thinking negatively, immediately switch to thinking positively. Control what you think about. Open the door for the positive and close it to the negative. By doing this, your energy and outlook will be more enthusiastic and happy. Having a positive approach to life facilitates good relationships, job opportunities, and inner peace and wellbeing.
tip to help reduce carbon emissions and keep you fit and healthy
Our tip of the day to help reduce carbon emissions and keep you fit and healthy: Ride a bicycle. On a recent BBC radio survey in the United Kingdom, this efficient form of transportation was named the most significant innovation since the 1800s. Growing in popularity, more bikes than cars are being sold in the US, from a myriad of nifty folding bikes, to bamboo bikes, to bikes with an electric boost. With a bicycle you can stay fit, enjoy the outdoors and help the environment.
another earth-loving tip
Today we have another earth-loving tip. Why not buy clothes and other linens made from organic cotton? Conventional cotton farming uses only about 3% of the farmland but consumes approximately 25% of the chemical pesticides and fertilizers. You can get organic cotton, jeans and denim, towels and sheets, and designer couture and upholstery fabric. There’s one more tip to share, that helps keep the environment clean and healthy.
two gardening tips that can help to save our amazing planet
Here are two gardening tips that can help to save our amazing planet. First, why not buy a reel, no gas, lawn mower instead of a loud gasoline grass-cutter? They are human-powered and will keep you and your garden in good shape. The second tip is about the magic of compost. Over 60% of solid household waste is fit for the compost heap, or bin. Your garden will love it, and you can enjoy savings and the self satisfaction that comes with composting. Let’s take good care of our beautiful planet.
tip to reminds us of the benefits of vitamin C
Today’s tip reminds us of the benefits of vitamin C. It is well-known that vitamin C plays a role in controlling infections. It is also a powerful antioxidant and it also helps make collagen, a tissue needed for healthy bones, teeth, gums, and blood vessels. Excellent food sources of vitamin C are citrus fruits and juices, berries, green and red peppers, tomatoes, broccoli, and spinach. What a tasty way to include vitamin C into the diet!
The need to idle your car for more than 30 seconds in cold weather is now proven to be a myth
And now for a useful environmental tip: The need to idle your car for more than 30 seconds in cold weather is now proven to be a myth. In fact, an idling engine is not operating at its peak temperature‚ the fuel does not completely combust, leaving residues in the engine that can contaminate engine oil and make spark plugs dirty. No matter what time of year, minimize your idling with the following tips: When first starting your car, idle for no more than 30 seconds. Secondly, turn your engine off if you must wait in your car for more than 30 seconds. And lastly, when the time comes to buy a new car, consider a hybrid. Hybrid gasoline-electric vehicles switch off the engine and use battery power for accessories when the car is not moving, effectively eliminating idling.
tip to help prevent deforestation
here’s a tip that can help prevent deforestation. When possible, we should try to use recycled paper. These days recycled products are easy to find. Many office supply stores and grocery stores stock recycled printing paper, envelopes, paper towels, and toilet paper. You can also keep all paper that has only been printed on one side, bind it together using a strong clip, and use the other side. This makes a homemade notebook for jotting notes or a sketchbook for young children. Children can use it, and learn the value of recycling. So let’s remember the 3 Rs: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle!
gardening tip for those who don’t have a garden
we have a gardening tip for those who don’t have a garden! If your outdoor space is limited, you can still garden without a garden! Peppers, lettuce and many other vegetables do well when grown in containers. Used plastic containers and barrels with good drainage will do, as long as they are deep enough to support the plant. Many vegetables will sprout again each time they are cut, so you can have the added joy of watching life renew itself every day!
Did you know that the refrigerator can have a big energy appetite?
we have a useful energy saving tip: Did you know that the refrigerator can have a big energy appetite? It is by far the single biggest consumer of electricity in the average household, responsible for 10-15 percent of the electricity used each month. One can save energy by not setting the thermostat too high. Even 1 degree will make a big difference. Keep the refrigerator out of the sun and away from heating vents; also use the "energy saver" switch near the thermostat and clean the condenser coil. These tips would help save energy so we can be kinder to the environment.
If you don’t enjoy exercising at a gym, try dancing instead!
a useful health tip: If you don’t enjoy exercising at a gym, try dancing instead! Dancing can burn as many calories as walking, swimming or riding a bicycle. Not only is it fun but you can also benefit from the therapeutic and uplifting music. Now for the weather around the world.
Cherries – the supercharged fruit! Are cherries truly healthy for us?
we have a useful health tip to share. Cherries – the supercharged fruit! Are cherries truly healthy for us? Recent studies, from Michigan State University, have revealed that cherries are not only delicious, they also offer a variety of health benefits including the ability to offer natural relief from joint discomfort and arthritis. The wonder of the cherry is the anthocyanins and bioflavonoids. These compounds have similar effects as aspirin, naproxen and ibuprofen. Many are choosing to drink cherry juice, eat cherries or consume cherry pills too. Now that’s a tasty way to stay healthy.
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