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Tägliche Tipps
Environmental tip - Avoid creating packaging wherever possible
I’m Uncle Oinkster the Pig, glad to bring you today’s environmental tip. The more we reduce waste, the better it is for the environment. Avoid creating packaging wherever possible: when ordering food, decline unnecessary plastic utensils, straws, and condiments. Buy sorbet in a cone instead of a cup, and buy products with the least amount of packaging. Packaging fills our landfills, and adds to CO2 emissions. That’s our tip for the environment; have a blessed day.
Anything that moves your limbs can be considered a form of exercise.
We all know that it’s important to be fit and healthy. Exercising improves circulation and digestion; it also helps to detoxify the body. Exercise doesn’t have to be an hour in the gym or a long run. It can simply be moving around more. Use the stairs, if given a choice between that and escalators or elevators. Walk your dog, mow the lawn, sweep the floor, or dance while you do the housework. Anything that moves your limbs can be considered a form of exercise.
Baking soda can be used for many cleaning chores around your home
Did you know that baking soda can be used for many cleaning chores around your home? One idea is to make a paste by mixing it with some water. This paste can be used to scrub all your stainless steel, copper pots, and iron cutlery. Another use of baking soda is to sprinkle some on your carpet and leaving it overnight before vacuuming the next day. Baking soda acts as a superb carpet deodorizer. It helps clear up the smell in your carpet with no toxic chemicals.
Another useful tip using vinegar
Here’s yet another useful tip using vinegar. Vinegar is non-toxic and is a fantastic help in getting rid of chewing gum stuck in carpets and on shoes. Simply get the white vinegar out and pour some around the chewing gum. After a while you'll find that the vinegar has dissolved the chewing gum.
Fun tip for the entire family
Today, I would like to share with you a fun tip for the entire family. It’s a unique idea for family exercising when the weather outside is less than favorable. Invent a new dance, and name it after your family. Let all the family members add some dance moves. This is a fun way to get exercise, and to bring the family together.
A little gardening tip - Early morning is the best time to water your vegetable garden
I’m Clucky the Chicken, here with a little gardening tip. Early morning is the best time to water your vegetable garden, because the water will soak in the soil before being evaporated by the sun. Also, that way the leaves will get to dry by nighttime. This, in turn, will reduce the spread of mildew on your plants. Just a little something from Clucky the Chicken to you
Organization tip for cleaning your house.- Assign different jobs to different days of the week
Oink, oink. Today’s tip on Noteworthy News will be presented by yours truly, Oinky the Piglet. It’s an organization tip for cleaning your house. Assign different jobs to different days of the week. Divide your cleaning jobs into three categories: light cleaning, daily cleaning, and deep cleaning. Daily cleaning jobs include tidying up and cleaning frequently used surfaces. By spending a few minutes each day, you will enjoy the feeling of a clean house. Light cleaning jobs include dusting, sweeping, and laundry. These jobs can be done just once a week. Deep cleaning jobs such as cleaning the bathroom, cleaning the walls and appliances, should also be done once a week. Once your system is in place, assign chores to different members of the family. With each person doing one or two jobs, cleaning your house will take less time. You will enjoy a clean environment and more time for yourself.
Tip that can save the lives of birds, our feathered friends - Window Alert
I’m Skippy the Rabbit, bringing you today’s tip: a tip that can save the lives of birds, our feathered friends. Birds make our world beautiful with their flight and song. There are companies such as Window Alert in the USA that produce stickers which reflect ultraviolet sunlight. The ultraviolet light is barely visible to humans, but birds, which have up to 12 times better vision than humans, see them as brilliant objects. The reflectors steer birds away from windows, keeping them safe.
Vitamin B6 has been called the “mighty vite” because of all the functions it performs
I’m Mooyi the Cow, and today, I’d like to present a health tip. Vitamin B6 has been called the “mighty vite” because of all the functions it performs. It is estimated that Vitamin B6 is involved with more than 101 chemical reactions occurring in our bodies including the manufacture of amino acids. Vitamin B6 benefits our brains by making chemicals called neurotransmitters. These neurotransmitters regulate our mood, helping to keep us lighthearted and happy. Vitamin B6 can be found in cereal grains, bananas, oatmeal, garbanzo beans, spinach, avocado, sunflower seeds, walnuts, and lima beans.
Recycling drink cans
My name is Billy the Goat, and today I would like to share a recycling tip. It is about recycling drink cans. Did you know that producing a new can from recycled aluminum takes 95 percent less energy to than a can made from raw materials? That means 20 recycled cans can be made with the energy needed to produce one new can. Recycling one aluminum can saves enough energy to keep a 100-watt bulb burning for almost four hours, or run your television for three hours. Last year, 54 billion cans were recycled, saving energy equivalent to 15 million barrels of crude oil. So please remember to recycle! That’s our tips of the day.
Eat at least four hours before going to bed
Did you know that while you are asleep, the body works on maintenance, detoxification, repair, and growth of the tissues and organs? Because of these important processes, you might want to eat at least four hours before going to bed. This will enable the body to concentrate on the healing and growing that is necessary while you’re sleeping, free from the distraction of digestion.
Tip to save energy
Today’s tip helps save energy. First, switch off appliances that are not being used, such as microwaves, TVs, stereos, and computers. Eighty-five percent of the energy consumed by a DVD player is lost in standby mode. Second, unplug equipment once fully charged; otherwise, they keep drawing electricity. By these small measures, we can lessen our carbon footprint and help protect the world.
Tip about taking care of yourself
Today’s tip is about taking care of yourself. Exercise can bring about positive physical and mental changes. Fruits and vegetables are good vitamin sources and boost the immune system. Just enjoy the benefits that they bring.
Green architecture makes use of natural light
I’m Cock-a-Doodle Dandy, bringing you an energy saving tip of the day. Green architecture makes use of natural light; you too can employ this free light source. Mirrors and light-colored walls reflect daylight, making maximum use of natural light. Clear window ledges to get the most daylight in your home. Pull curtains back during the day and keep plants trimmed, so they don’t block incoming light.
Some ways that might be conducive to relaxation
you are just in time for the tip of the day. Here are some ways that might be conducive to relaxation: listening to soft, soothing music; meditating; talking a walk in the park or nature; and thinking of positive, happy thoughts.
1 ~ 10
21 ~ 24
::: SOS Globale Erwärmung :::
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Notlage des Planeten
Die vegane Lösung
Biologischer Landbau
Umweltfreundliche Technologie
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Politiker zum Klimawandel
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