Gute Menschen, gute Taten
Trainer Tim Lewis und die Compton Little Liga – mutig für Kinder eintreten   

Welcome wonderful viewers to Good People, Good Works featuring an outstanding African-American baseball coach – Tim Lewis, who, along with others, successfully brought back organized youth baseball to the city of Compton, which is just south of Los Angeles, California, USA. He was also instrumental in rehabilitating an abandoned baseball field located in Compton’s Sibrie Park where he used to play the game as a child.

Tim Lewis (m): When I was growing up as a kid, we had baseball and it was a big thing. You know, this park would be packed with kids and parents, and everybody came out. It's been like 29, 30 years since we've had baseball in this park.

HOST: With the game having been long absent from the city, it was Divine inspiration that led Mr. Lewis to decide to introduce to Compton’s youth the joys of playing baseball.

Tim Lewis (m): Early in the morning, I pray, I'm meditating and I begin to think on, my days back playing baseball here, and how great it would be for the kids to play baseball here again. So you know, God kind of gave me that idea and so I went out and started trying to find out what I needed to do to get it done.

To contact Mr. Lewis, please write:Tim Lewis c/o Ms. Clotilde Sanchez 1202 W. 130th Street, Compton, CA, 90222 USA

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