Gute Menschen, gute Taten
Regina Borth: Gütigkeit erzeugen durch „Give It Bag”   

Regina (f): At Give It Bag, we believe that all the things come back to you. Because if you do good and do something positive or think positive or have a good intention, this will happen, so we’re going to create our own life. And that’s actually what Give It Bag is all about."

Halo gracious viewers and welcome to Good People, Good Works. Today we travel to Cape Town, South Africa to meet Regina Borth, whose company "Give It Bag" is dedicated to making her city and South Africa a better place to live. She recycles polypropylene sacks used for shipping items such as rice, beans, salt,
sugar, coffee and flour by converting them into beautiful, high quality fashion items.

What inspired Ms. Borth to start this unique company? It all began when she and her husband, Dr. Philip Rüther moved from Germany to South Africa three years ago.

Regina (f): We moved to Cape Town in January 2007 and we were renovating a small house. And I was responsible to buy all the material for the renovations. So I went to different builder warehouses and somebody told me: 『Please bring rubber bags.』 I’d never heard about it. In Europe I never saw them. And so I bought them.

But when I just looked at them, I freaked out about [NFT: slang for got excited] the different prints on them. So for me it was just clear: 『Okay! Oh no, I can’t put some other waste inside. I have to keep them.』

HOST: Although Regina Borth was impressed by the quality and beauty of the sacks, she was not sure what to do with them. Yet she was determined to think of some way to recycle them.

For more details about Give It Bag, please visit

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