Gute Menschen, gute Taten
Bianca und Michael Alexander: die Medien zu einem bewussten Planeten führen – Teil 1 von 2    Teil 1

Bianca (f): Just using the power of media and this platform to shed light on issues that I think we all care about, and there’s something that we could all do to just think differently about issues like poverty and hunger and  environmental decay.

There are solutions and so we hope to showcase and to highlight the solutions and inspire people to go out and be the change, to be the solution. There’s plenty that each and every one of us could do; it’s just do something.

HOST: Hallo, warm-hearted viewers, and welcome to today’s Good People, Good Works featuring Bianca and Michael Alexander of the United States, co-founders of Conscious Planet Media, a socially aware media company which produces Conscious Living TV and Soul of Green TV.

These web-based television programs encourage viewers to pursue mindful, eco-friendly lifestyles.
Now in its fifth season, Conscious Living TV features upbeat shows on green travel, eco-fashion, spirituality and other topics. Soul of Green TV highlights the urban sustainability movement including issues such as social justice, economic empowerment, and reducing one’s carbon footprint. 

In addition to these shows, Conscious Planet Media provides media coverage of green lifestyle events and does marketing for eco-friendly companies.
Let's now visit Bianca and Michael in Chicago, Illinois, USA to learn how these enterprises evolved.

Michael (f): We’re a media company so we produce original television programming, original documentaries, business documentaries and events for social change.

So, specifically, we look at the areas of sustainability, we look at economic empowerment and social justice. We look at the area of health and then peace and non-violence. So that’s essentially what we’re here to do, is to raise the consciousness of the planet and do so through media.

For more details on Conscious Planet Media and its television programs,
please visit:

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