
During their second journey to the Americas in 1528, the Spanish explorer Francisco Pizarro and his crew arrived for the very first time to what is now known as Peru. The word “Lima” comes from the indigenous Quechua word Rímac, which literally means “talker”. The city has been known by its new name Lima since January 18, 1535.


On November 20, 1542, during the reign of King Carlos I of Spain, the first Viceroy of Peru was appointed through the Royal Decree of Barcelona. The viceroy’s responsibility covered a vast area. Initially, the boundaries extended from Panama to the River of La Plata in Argentina, reaching the limits of the Amazon Rainforest. Lima was the capital of this vast area and was also called by many as “The City of Kings.” This was perhaps as a tribute to the Kings of Spain, or maybe, according to popular storytelling, because Lima was discovered on January 6, the day of celebration in Spain for the three Wise men.


The city was first designed by the explorer Francisco Pizarro in 1535. He sketched a small area of 13 squares long and 9 squares wide, constructing only 36 edifices.

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