氣候變遷國際會議 (1) 美國加州西好萊塢 7/26/2008 (英語)    第4集
第1集 Play with windows media ( 78 MB )
第2集 Play with windows media ( 94 MB )
第3集 Play with windows media ( 94 MB )
第4集 Play with windows media ( 104 MB )
第5集 Play with windows media ( 100 MB )
第6集 Play with windows media ( 126 MB )
第7集 Play with windows media ( 109 MB )
第8集 Play with windows media ( 109 MB )

SOS Climate Change
International Conference

Take Action: Go Veg Be Green Save Our Planet

Immediate attention and action is crucial for our planetary ecological existence. At the conference, participants was informed with the latest urgent data on climate change and its impact on our lives.

Program  featured keynote speakers and panel discussions on the most effective and immediate solution to climate change related problems.

Featured Speakers: Supreme Master Ching Hai, Dr. Will Tuttle, Howard Lyman, Dr. Gurminder Singh, Dr. Jim Stewart, Professor Ryan Galt, Lionel Friedberg, Dr. Elliot Katz, Dr. Gabriel Cousens, John Raatz, and Scott Badenoch.

Special Honored
Supreme Master Ching Hai
World Renowned Humanitarian & Constructive Media Pioneer
Master of Ceremony
Jane Velez-Mitchell
Television News Journalist
Keynote Speaker
Howard Lyman
President of Voice for a Viable Future
Dr. Will Tuttle
Author of "World Peace
Dr. Gurminder Singh
Co-Chairman of Green Technology Institute
Dr. Jim Stewart
Co-Chair of Global Warming for Sierra Club Angeles Chapter
Professor Ryan Galt
Agricultural Sustainability Institute at UC Davis
Lionel Friedberg
Producer & Director of "A Sacred Duty"
Dr. Elliot Katz
President of In Defense of Animals
Dr. Gabriel Cousens
The Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center
John Raatz
Founder of Visioneering Group and Global Alliance for Transformational Entertainment
Scott Badenoch
Chief Executive Officer of Creative Citizen

「二○○八拯救地球關鍵時刻:我可以怎麼做?」視訊會議 (1) 6/29/2008 福爾摩沙 (中文、英語)
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「緊急求救!全球暖化國際會議」視訊重播:特別嘉賓清海無上師 (1) 5/22/2008 韓國
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trackback : http://suprememastertv.tv/bbs/tb.php/sos_video_cn/34