(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)
Raw zucchini
Brazil nuts, ground
Sun dried tomatoes
Fresh basil, chopped
Sea salt
Olive oil

Visit Anna Prem Natural Bistro & Restaurant
in São Paulo, Brazil Online at www.AnnaPrem.com.br
Or call
+55 (11) 3208-7552 / +55 (11) 3208-7501
Or email contato@annaprem.com.br

  1. Soaked the Brazil nuts for a whole day and then ground it in a common food processor. Set it aside.
  2. Slice the zucchini into several thin slices.
  3. Put 2 spoons and a little more of ground Brazil nuts in a bowl.
  4. Put a little bit of leek (according to taste), a little of dried tomatoes, and a little of chopped basil.
  5. Squeeze a little lemon from half a lemon.
  6. Add in some salt according to taste.
  7. Add in some extra virgin olive oil.
  8. Mix all the ingredients well.
  9. In a plate, place the zucchini.
  10. Put the cannelloni onto the zucchini.
  11. Roll the zucchini and place it on a plate.
  12. Make until all the cannelloni used up.
  13. Drop in a little bit of olive oil and some basil sauce that already been prepared.
  14. Put a couple of basil leaves on top of it.
  15. Ready to be served.

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